Well, here I am, another MyOpera Refugee, searching for a new blogging home. I have a really good feeling about this site.
My sincerest thanks to those who cared enough about those of us who supported the MyOpera Community to create this place for us.
As you start your Vivaldi Journey, you may want to read, friend, follow, and/or bookmark the following sites: Jon, tatsuki, and olli.
I look forward to meeting up with all the MyOpera gang here!
[img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-M8M_QAbSttM/UnwDgIPIbFI/AAAAAAAAALA/4bLi2yfcXCQ/s1600/Hi+Bye.gif[/img] Heyyy there, Annette! Have you found an appropriately-sized aquarium in which to keep a supply of fish in case you have to Fish Smack anyone when they get outta line? [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_tZqIzB1bTk/UnwS6d9Ha6I/AAAAAAAAAQk/gGY-5FxB-5E/s1600/Whistle.gif[/img]
Annette, while we can’t customize much of anything at this early stage, you CAN at least set the Blog Title and sort of a Sub Title (Blog Description) on your Blog.
Go to your Dashboard.
In the Dark Greyish Toolbar … Click on that Gear on the Right.
Click on Edit Settings.
There you’ll see various things you can set.
Among them a Blog Title … and the Blog Description, which will be like a Sub Title in small text below your Blog Title in that somewhat Header area.
Woo Hoo!!! I finally got a comment on my blog.
I have been reading various posts and comments and I believe the Vivaldi Devs will work out a lot of the things we are looking for after the first of the year.
Ok, I set the Blog Title. I will have to think about what I want for the Blog Description. Right now, it has the default Blog Description.
Hi, glad you are here.
Hi Carol, thank you. I think this will work out to be the best MyOpera Blog alternative.
Yeah, I guess it helps if we just resign ourselves to think in terms of that right now, Vivaldi is probably around a late [b]Alpha[/b] or very early [b]Beta[/b] stage. This way we just treat the experience as if we’re helping Beta Test the NEW Community.
As long as we give them feedback over on the Forum in a civilized manner, they’re bound to do their best to try to incorporate whatever perks, bells & whistles that we ask for and are feasible and do-able from their standpoint.
We’d be naive and eternal optimists if we thought we were seriously going to get EVERYTHING that we request. It didn’t happen on MyOpera and it’s not gonna happen here. But, hopefully we get at least enough of what we ask for so that we don’t waste time getting tempted to go unhinged. Well, at least I’ve heard that there are people who can go [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xrRjwTWnQrc/Unu_-KuULHI/AAAAAAAAAFI/6xz2HsKp964/s1600/Unhinged.gif[/img] when micro details aren’t just right. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_tZqIzB1bTk/UnwS6d9Ha6I/AAAAAAAAAQk/gGY-5FxB-5E/s1600/Whistle.gif[/img] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kfPjoQLl6WE/Unv6qVe4sEI/AAAAAAAAAHQ/dLXguuxobGA/s1600/BigGrin2.gif[/img]
Ssss SO, Annette, you’re a facebooker, aren’t you?
What the heck is the Timeline? I know I’ve heard of its existence over there on facebook.
I want to make sure I’m clear on something.
Okay, is it possible for one to comment something on someone ELSE’s Timeline?
Or are comments on “the Timeline” always on OUR Timeline?
In other words, a while ago, I was just about ready to submit … Uhhh, I guess “Share” a comment on what I was assuming was Dewi’s Timeline since she didn’t yet have a post. But, at the last second I aborted that plan since I had my doubts as to whether the comment would actually appear on Dewi’s Timeline … or on mine … or just where the heck that comment would display.
I mean, I accessed that mystery Timeline from Dewi’s Left Sidebar where the link for her Blog also was. However, the fact that the Button to send the comment is actually titled “[b]Share[/b]” instead of “Send” or “Submit” or “Publish” made me lean more towards thinking that the comment was more likely to appear on MY Timeline and not on Dewi’s.
Before asking for special features, let’s get them to fix bugs! The biggest problem on My Opera was that every time the gave us an ‘update’ it had a ton of buggy new features together with old bugs. And how often did an update resurrect long forgotten bugs?
Whether or not you can post to someone else’s timeline depends on their privacy settings. But in most cases, it’s possible as most people leave the settings on default.
“Timeline” is really just the new name for what they used to call the “Wall”
Thanks for answering Sunny’s questions qlue. I am obviously doing something wrong here because I am NOT getting notifications, via the notification button or by email, on the comments I’ve made on mine or others blogs when new comments are made. I’ve already set every button to [b]Yes[/b] in the Notification Settings area. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Any suggestions on how to correct this situation?
I’m getting nada myself!
It’s like wandering about blind here! I cant even find an rss icon anywhere! :p
True that. Yeah, of course there are Godzilla Bugs in the category of — [b]Failure is not an option[/b] — as to whether they need to be fixed or not … and pronto.
Two HUGE ones that come to mind are the infamous — Having to Log In seemingly every friggin’ 30 seconds. Okay, so I’m embellishing, but it IS almost to the point of me being afraid to blink because if I do, I’ll probably have to Log In again. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-er4qVwx2b9s/UnwHw6Z44pI/AAAAAAAAAL8/fW8lyn4_-bQ/s1600/LOL.gif[/img]
WHAM! SEE? Right there I lost my entire comment and had to recreate it when Opera decided to throw one of those “Opera needs to restart” messages. And OF COURSE I had to Log In again to Vivaldi.
Then there is the other Brontosaurus Bug — the non-working Notifications. Got to Got to Got to be fixed. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jQCXMefJmnQ/UnwUDOvk0OI/AAAAAAAAARE/KNizPcCpwQo/s1600/Yes.gif[/img]
There of course plenty of other Bugs, but those two are certainly making it very difficult to remain calm and not go [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xrRjwTWnQrc/Unu_-KuULHI/AAAAAAAAAFI/6xz2HsKp964/s1600/Unhinged.gif[/img]
Okay, I’ll try it in just a bit. I’ll go and toss in that comment in Dewi’s Timeline … and see where in what dimension in which universe the comment displays.
It’s not just you, Annette. NO ONE is getting notifications.
Apparently we ALL are having to go around Vivaldi sort of just roaming around, hunting, coondogging for replies that might have been made in response to our comments wherever.
At least I’m not alone in my wanderings Aadil. Maybe someone out there knows something we don’t will point us in the right direction…I really miss MyOpera!
I meant to say:
Maybe someone out there [b][i]WHO[/i][/b] knows something we don’t will point us in the right direction.
We need Edit and/or Delete buttons ASAP!
Suntana wrote, “Vivaldi is probably around a late Alpha or very early Beta stage. This way we just treat the experience as if we’re helping Beta Test the NEW Community.”
Thank you all for bringing these things to our attention. But please have mercy on us, and bring the main complaints to our attention on our Suggestions forum: https://vivaldi.net/forum/suggestion-box
We look forward to making you happy, but it does take some time…
SummerAngel, I do not know what happened to the Edit and Delete buttons, as there were there at the time of launch. Todays is Sunday and it’s still holiday time, and the guys worked hard to get this site online in a very short time.
Ohhh, Cool, Debbie! It always helps assuage the concerns of the members when someone from the inside … in this case from Vivaldi, acknowledges the bugs, glitches, problems and informs us that they [b]ARE working on them[/b].
Cuz what used to bug us at MyOpera was — the lack of communication. We’d be experiencing problems and we’d bring them up. No one from MyOpera’s side would acknowledge the problems, much less inform us that they WERE working on them.
So for example: When MyOpera appeared to be very sluggish and / or was throwing a lot of errors … we wouldn’t hear anything from MyOpera. So, like in my case, I’d be wondering if it was my Dial Up Internet Connection or my pathetic Windows Vista or my Dinosaur relic computer. And then I’d be uninstalling and reinstalling Opera Browser. You know … in general conducting all sorts of troubleshooting on MY end because MyOpera would never communicate to us that the problem was actually on their end.
So sounds like a plan, Debbie. If y’all communicate with us and don’t leave us in the dark … we’ll do our part and civilly bring stuff up to your attention. [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-k6x9i3mfA7Y/UnwQXuetp0I/AAAAAAAAAPs/97n1LXEt8NA/s1600/ThumbsUp.gif[/img] Oh and yes … have mercy on y’all. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jQCXMefJmnQ/UnwUDOvk0OI/AAAAAAAAARE/KNizPcCpwQo/s1600/Yes.gif[/img]
Ahhh, so it wasn’t just my imagination. Now that you bring it up, Debbie, I could have sworn that when I first started on here on Christmas Day … at the very least, I’m almost sure the [b]Delete Button[/b] did exist. And now it doesn’t. Odd. I can’t remember whether the Edit Button existed at that time. But, for sure both of those would be very welcomed.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting Debbie. Hopefully, since the Edit and Delete buttons existed at the time of launch, it will be a quick fix to get them up and working again.
I appreciate the hard work of everyone involved in bringing this site up for all the MyOpera Members left without a blog home.
I will check out the Suggestions forum. Thanks for the link.
Speaking of Edit and Delete Buttons, did you know that Amber Riley won this latest Dancing with the Stars, Annette? Woo Hoo! [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hiQ9gLgZMyk/UnwTu75YQ4I/AAAAAAAAAQ8/UCeAkTi_sls/s1600/Yahoo.gif[/img]
Oh yeah, that’s right. One tiny detail. Who’s Amber Riley, right? Beats me. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-er4qVwx2b9s/UnwHw6Z44pI/AAAAAAAAAL8/fW8lyn4_-bQ/s1600/LOL.gif[/img]
Corbin Bleu won 2nd Place. Have no idea who that is either. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UHr8vgT-DGE/UnwJpxK-XgI/AAAAAAAAANE/Spu8pxICIUo/s1600/Perplexed.gif[/img]
Jack Osbourne won 3rd Place. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zQQ66NfvZrQ/UnwUhmOVu4I/AAAAAAAAARU/MsRmekXZMhE/s1600/Yikes.gif[/img] Oh SHEESH! That … that … that NON-Star.
Good thing I watched The Voice instead.
Oh and that was Derek Hough’s 5th DWTS Championship. I don’t think any of the other Pros have even won three. It’s possible Cheryl Burke might have 3, but I’m not sure.
I saw on a commercial for one of the talk shows that Amber had won DWTS. Of the three you mentioned, I only know who Jack Osbourne is…you do know that he has MS…it’s amazing he made it that far.
Hi SummerAngel, Suntana, qlue,
Kinda late greetings but welcome to Vivaldi
Are you guys still not getting any notification? I tested few and it seems to be working for me.
Let me know if you still have problems.
Also, I am not entirely sure what problem you are having with regards to Delete, Edit bottons not showing up. What are the things you want to edit/delete but unable to do so?
After [b]The Voice[/b] barely finished, they already gave the heads up that the next season is coming up in [b]February[/b]! WHAT? I see they’re going to follow in the footsteps of DWTS of overdoing it. This season that just finished was only The Voice’s 5th season. Since this is the 1st season that I followed, I have no idea whether those 5 seasons have been in 5 different years or whether they already had been pulling the DWTS stunt of 2 seasons per year.
They will have a bit of a variety change up in this February season though. Christina Aguilera and CeeLo won’t be on as judges. In this upcoming season, they’ll be replaced by Usher and Shakira. Blake Shelton and Adam Levine will still be on as judges though.
Hi tatsuki,
We were referring to the comments section. Right now, we only have the ability to Reply to comments. We would like to be able to Edit and/or Delete comments.
Also, is there a way to have the notifications go to our Vivaldi Email. My Personal Email, which I check several times a day EVERY day, was filled with notifications dating back to the 27th of December yesterday. I immediately went back to the Notification settings and unchecked everything going to my Personal Email.
Thanks for the welcome, Tatsuki.
And thanks for actually popping in to inquire as to what problems we might be experiencing.
As to the Notifications? Those are still hit & miss.
They are now better than they were before. Before, they were totally nonexistent.
Now for my part, I’m getting some.
Actually, in trying to search through my memory banks … I THINK the Notifications that I do get are more often the ones for my Timeline.
I think I haven’t been receiving ANY Notifications for COMMENTS.
However, I’ll admit; I just noticed that that Info might or might not be flawed. Back when we were not getting any Notifications PERIOD, I stopped even subscribing to all the Posts. I think I’m subscribed to SOME Posts and not to others.
I tell you what, Tatsuki. I’m off to a New Year’s Eve Party. But, tomorrow, I’ll go and verify on all the Posts on which I’ve been commenting and make sure that I AM subscribed to all of them. Then I’ll be able to give you some more correct feedback on whether I’m getting Notifications from ALL Comments. I believe I had also stopped subscribing because sometimes I was getting Notifications via E-mail even though I had selected to NOT get Notifications via E-mail. I want them only via System.
This afternoon I had 39 E-mail Notifications when I really had all of my Notifications Settings set to NO E-mail Notifications. I have my Notifications set to System. But, yeah, tomorrow I’ll see about giving you some more specific feedback, Tatsuki.
And as to the Edit and Delete Buttons?
As Annette (SummerAngel) mentioned, right now in the comments we only have the ability to REPLY. That’s it. If we mess up. We can’t go back and edit our comment or delete it. Sometimes comments will display in duplicate or even triplicate and because of no Delete Button, the extra instances of the comment just have to stay displaying.
BAMM! I popped in to subscribe to this Post.
And now I’ll go finish making my Vivaldi rounds to make sure I’m subscribed to all the other Posts on which I’ve commented … so that I can provide some more solid feedback on the Notifications. Hopefully by Thursday morning I’ll have some feedback.
Ssssss SO, [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-r5PNlOqmV48/UnwXTh8q0BI/AAAAAAAAAR4/V9g6w3tuBXw/s1600/Left.gif[/img] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KBE0YbU85L4/UnwLWvwCS7I/AAAAAAAAANs/Adi-GX1_9SE/s1600/Right.gif[/img] I take it was my Timeline that opened its BIG MOUTH and squealed on me that I was dragging Elvis through the mud? [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pqRdh0mIGBc/UnwQ7m-mxuI/AAAAAAAAAP8/IAhN8uppMBg/s1600/Tongue.gif[/img]
Thank you, Suntana.
I hope you had a nice year-end party.
I’m in California so new year arrived quite a bit later than everywhere else….
Anyway, regarding the Edit/Delete button, I realize that I have few extra features enabled for admin. so I didn’t see this problem.
I totally understand that’s not good at all. We will try to fix this soon.
Let us know what you find out about notification whenever you have time.
I am aware that there are some issues here and there and we want to fix them with help from you guys!
Hi SummerAngel,
Regarding the email notification to Vivaldi email, I understand the need for that.
It does generate quite a bit of emails…
It was possible before but we had to change as we discovered some issues. We will look into this again to see what we can do there.
And for the Edit/Delete button, as I wrote to Suntana, I understood. we will fix it
I agree, edit and delete of comments is very important so you do not end up with your mistakes broadcasted on the site forever. We will look into this as soon as we can.
Okay, Tatsuki … I logged in very late today … not until the afternoon.
Notifications verdict?
I haven’t completed my round of roaming around Vivaldi, but right off the bat, I noticed I had NONE … ZERO Notifications when I logged in today. So, I thought, “Well, it’s possible that there could really be no activity on wherever I commented.
So, I first went and checked on a thread in the Spanish Forum on which I AM subscribed. Teresa HAD commented and yet I received no System Notification as I have my settings set.
I then came here to check out the activity here. I AM subscribed to this thread as well. And I see that you DID comment on here today … yet no Notification of you having commented here.
After I eat, I’ll check out the other threads on which I am subscribed and see if anyone commented there.
Thank you Christian.:D
Thank you so much tatsuki.
It would be REALLY nice if we could have the notifications show up in that globe/Notifications button in the upper right corner of this page and maybe have it take us to the comment…like it does in MyOpera. My apologies if this is asking too much. I do understand and appreciate you, and others, are spending a lot of your personal time and efforts to make this site available for us.
It must have been your timeline Sunny. You wouldn’t have the nerve to do that here. :p
I will Fish Smack you for slamming Elvis…just as soon as I get my Smilies to work here.
I have some more feedback, Tatsuki.
Last night I also went and checked out Aadil’s (qlue) Blog and he HAD replied to one of my comments and I got no Notification even though I’m subscribed.
Then this morning I had 5 E-mail Notifications to comments in my Blog and zero System Notifications even though I’m subscribed and specifically have my Comments Notifications settings set to NO E-mail Notifications and ALL System Notifications.
Then strangely enough, while I do get System Notifications for my Timeline, it appears to not matter whether it was just a comment by Teresa or just by Dewi or just by Aadil. The Notification will appear as Teresa, Dewi & Aadil ALL having commented in my Timeline.
And I THINK it also declared a comment by ME in my own Timeline as a comment by Teresa, Dewi & Aadil. I had just finished making the comment and no one else had commented … and a Notification of Teresa, Dewi & Aadil having commented 2 minutes ago appeared. So, I can only guess that it was referring to MY comment on my Timeline.
WOOO HOOO!!! We now have Edit AND Delete Buttons. THANK YOU SO MUCH tatsuki!
hmmm,, tell me how to put that emojis here?
hi Annette, i starting to love this community too, it is like my own My Opera home…..
Suntana, why when I click on your avatar and then it transferred me to your blogger?
Hi dewi, welcome to my blog. Hope to see a lot more of you.
This site is a work in progress for the MyOprea Refugees. Hopefully, it will soon be more like MyOpera.
Dewi, actually I have already asked a similar question in the Forum.
Carol had informed me that when she clicked on my Username, she’d be redirected to my Blogger Blog.
It’s obviously a bug because it’s not even consistent. Depending on where you click on my Username, sometimes it WILL send you to my Vivaldi Profile, I think. But, more often, yeah, it will send you to my Blogger Blog.
Thanks for reminding me, Dewi. Let me go check right now on that question that I asked over there. I doubt there’ll be a reply, but what the heck. I have to check anyway.
Okay, I’m back. I checked out that thread on the forum and unfortunately I was right. No word whatsoever yet from Vivaldi. [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2V7xuwJLXKM/Unumax9VYGI/AAAAAAAAAD8/tnuBof7kFrU/s1600/Got_Me.gif[/img]
Can you bookmark on Mobiles? If so, just bookmark my ONE post that I have right now and that’s how you can find me on Vivaldi.
Sunny, when I click on your username (in red) it takes me to BlogSpot. When I click on your Charlie Brown Avatar, it takes me to your Vivaldi Blog.
Then Dewi’s problem is solved. She can click on my Avatar.
Happy New Year and Happy to see all at new Oasis
Happy New Year Abdula. Great to see you here!